Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment

Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment

In Minnesota, we believe in freedom, fairness, and equality for all. We believe the protections guaranteed by our Constitution and our laws should apply equally to everyone.

The Minnesota Equal Rights Amendment is an opportunity for Minnesotans to vote on a ballot initiative that would write these values into our state Constitution.

  • Today, neither the Minnesota nor the U.S. Constitution specifically guarantees equal protection under the law based on sex and gender.
  • Our goal is to enact a Minnesota ERA that would offer everyone the strongest possible protections against discrimination based on race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or sex — including pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation — no matter who’s in power in state government.
  • People’s rights and freedoms are under attack, from state legislatures to the Supreme Court. We need to do everything we can to protect our families, our friends, our fellow Minnesotans — and ourselves.

Protecting Gender and Reproductive Freedom

Gender Justice supports an ERA that includes strong protections in the nation for gender and reproductive freedom:

All persons shall be guaranteed equal rights under the laws of this state. The State shall not discriminate against any person in intent or effect on account of race, color, national origin, ancestry, disability, or sex including but not limited to pregnancy decisions, gender identity or gender expression, or sexual orientation.

The Process

Once the ERA passes the Legislature, a question will be placed on the statewide ballot that asks voters if they want to amend the Constitution. A majority of voters must vote YES on the ballot amendment for it to pass. If a voter does not mark Yes or No, it is counted as a No vote.

What We Want You To Do

Join the movement for the Equal Rights Amendment

Donate to the Campaign for Equality